Thank You For Your Order!
Your Homestead Check™ is being processed and will probably be to you in the next 5 minutes! Some Homestead Checks require extra work and if yours happens to be one of those then you will usually have your results within 24 hours. If you don’t receive your Homestead Check within 2 business days then please submit a service ticket to

What are my next steps after I get my Homestead Check™ back?
When you receive back your Homestead Check™ your report will be either Green, Yellow, or Red depending on the number of issues found along with detailed instructions on how to fix them. Please review your Homestead Check™ carefully as it will contain all the information you need to fix any problems identified. After downloading your Homestead Check™ PDF you will be able to click on the video links related to each step for detailed instructions.
Get Educated With Homestead University™
When you receive your Florida Homestead Check™ there will be an included link in your Homestead Check™ email to activate your account. Once your account is activated you will have access to the Florida Homestead University™ with detailed articles and videos explaining how to fix most common Homestead problems. Once you have created your account you can log-in by clicking the "Log-In" button on the top menu of our site.

Need Some Help Fixing A Homestead Problem?
The Florida Homestead Counselors™ are available to help you with a personal one-on-one counseling session to review your Homestead Check™ results, answer any questions you might have, and discuss the best solutions to any problems that have been identified. If you would like us to fix a problem for you then please contact the Homestead Doctors™ for filing and Homestead problem repairs.