1. Go to www.floridahomesteadcheck.com and log into your REP account.
2. You will want to enter an order for the Buyer AND an order for the Seller. These must be done separately.
3. Click on “Start a REP Check.” For the Seller order, have the Property Record Card handy for the property which you are closing. Enter the requested information. NOTE: For the Seller’s order when asked “Is this order for a property which the client already owns?” Answer "YES".
4. For the Seller order, if current year values (sometimes called “Working Values” are available, then please click Yes to that question and enter the requested info. If not, then click "No" to that question.
5. After you enter the requested info Click “Submit”. You will see a screen that tells you that the link has been sent to the client to have them complete their personal info.
6. Repeat the steps above for the Buyer. NOTE: For the Buyer’s order when asked “Is this order for a property which the client already owns?” Answer NO.
7. On the Buyer order there is not nearly as much info to enter.
8. PAYMENT: You may select when completing the order whether you want to have the client pay or whether you the REP will pay. We strongly suggest that you click that YOU will pay - most clients want everything put on the settlement statement and don’t want to pay upfront.
9. INVOICING: If you select that you, the REP, will pay, then you may elect to be invoiced NOW (in case you want to bill to an Air miles card or something), or you can check that you would like to be invoiced AT CLOSING.
10. IMPORTANT: If you say to invoice you NOW, or you select that the client will pay, then the Homestead Check™ will NOT run until the invoice has been paid. The Invoice will be sent to the client’s email if you check that they will pay, or to the email on your account if you click that you, the REP, will pay. You must check your email, click on the invoice, and pay it before the Homestead Check™ will run, UNLESS you have elected to pay at Closing, in which case the Homestead Check™ will run without payment and you will receive an invoice which you will then use to mail in to us with payment after closing.
11. ALSO IMPORTANT: If the Buyer or Seller doesn’t complete the link that they were sent, then the Homestead Check™ will not run! Make sure that you follow up with them if you don't see the Homestead Check™ copy arrive in your email within a reasonable period of time.
12. PROBLEMS? Call the HELP Desk Monday-Friday 9 a.m.– 6 p.m. at 904-801-1050. We are closed on federal holidays. You may also send an email to
13. CLOSING CANCELED? If your closing cancels and will not be closing later, and as such you won’t be able to collect for the invoice, just send a request to cancel the invoice with the invoice number included, to support@floridahomesteadcheck.com.
14. UPSET CUSTOMER? If you get to closing and the customer makes a scene and doesn’t want to pay for their Homestead Check™ for any reason then you may do the same as #12 above and we’ll cancel the invoice. We only want happy customers!
15. NEED MORE HELP? Your FHC Sales Rep is seldom far away! Feel free to have she or he come in to help you!